Equity Method Investments |
9 Months Ended |
Oct. 01, 2011 | |
Equity Method and Cost Method Investments [Abstract] | |
Equity Method Investments [Text Block] |
Note 11: Equity Method Investments
Micron and Intel formed IM Flash Technologies, LLC (IMFT) in January 2006 and IM Flash Singapore, LLP (IMFS) in February 2007. We established these joint ventures to manufacture NAND flash memory products for Micron and Intel. As of October 1, 2011, we owned a 49% interest in IMFT and an 18% interest in IMFS. The carrying value of our investment in IMFT/IMFS was $1.4 billion as of October 1, 2011 ($1.5 billion as of December 25, 2010) and is classified within other long-term assets. In the third quarter of 2011, we made an additional investment of $131 million in IMFS, which increased our ownership interest compared to the second quarter of 2011. The IMFS fabrication facility began initial production in the second quarter of 2011. IMFT and IMFS are each governed by a Board of Managers, with Micron and Intel initially appointing an equal number of managers to each of the boards. The number of managers appointed by each party adjusts depending on the parties' ownership interests. As a result of our overall net reduction of our ownership interest in IMFS, Micron now appoints the majority of the managers on the IMFS board. These ventures are expected to operate until 2016 but are subject to earlier termination under certain terms and conditions.
These joint ventures are variable interest entities. All costs of the joint ventures will be passed on to Micron and Intel through our purchase agreements. IMFT and IMFS are dependent upon Micron and Intel for any additional cash requirements. Our known maximum exposure to loss approximated the carrying value of our investment balance in IMFT/IMFS as of October 1, 2011. Except for the amount due to IMFT/IMFS for product purchases and services, we did not have any additional liabilities recognized on our consolidated condensed balance sheets in connection with our interests in these joint ventures as of October 1, 2011. Future cash calls could increase our investment balance and the related exposure to loss. Potential future losses could be higher than the carrying amount of our investment, as Intel and Micron are liable for other future operating costs or obligations of IMFT/IMFS. Finally, as we are currently committed to purchasing 49% of IMFT's and 29% of IMFS's production output and production-related services, we may be required to purchase products at a cost in excess of realizable value. Our contractual commitment to purchase product output and fund production-related services adjusts to changes in our ownership percentage on a lag.
Our portion of IMFT/IMFS costs, primarily related to product purchases and production-related services, was approximately $255 million during the third quarter of 2011 and approximately $725 million during the first nine months of 2011 (approximately $200 million during the third quarter of 2010 and approximately $580 million during the first nine months of 2010). The amount due to IMFT/IMFS for product purchases and services provided was approximately $155 million as of October 1, 2011 (approximately $105 million as of December 25, 2010). During the first nine months of 2011, $172 million was returned to Intel by IMFT/IMFS, which is reflected as a return of equity method investment within investing activities on the consolidated condensed statements of cash flows ($151 million during the first nine months of 2010).
Under the accounting standards for consolidating variable interest entities, the consolidating investor is the entity with the power to direct the activities of the venture that most significantly impact the venture's economic performance and with the obligation to absorb losses or the right to receive benefits from the venture that could potentially be significant to the venture. We have determined that we do not have both of these characteristics and, therefore, we account for our interests using the equity method of accounting.
Intel-GE Care Innovations, LLC
In the first quarter of 2011, Intel and General Electric Company (GE) formed an equally owned joint venture, Intel-GE Care Innovations, LLC (Care Innovations), in the healthcare industry that focuses on independent living and delivery of health-related services via telecommunications. The company was formed by combining assets of GE Healthcare's Home Health division and Intel's Digital Health Group. As a result of the formation of Care Innovations, we recognized a gain of $164 million in the first quarter of 2011 that is recorded in interest and other, net. The carrying value of our investment in Care Innovations was $149 million as of October 1, 2011 and is classified in other long-term assets.
Care Innovations is dependent upon Intel and GE for any additional cash requirements and, therefore, is a variable interest entity. Our known maximum exposure to loss approximated the carrying value of our investment balance in Care Innovations as of October 1, 2011. In addition to the potential loss of our existing investment, our actual losses could be higher, as we are liable to contribute additional future funding up to $65 million if Care Innovations meets established milestones.
Intel and GE share the power to direct all of Care Innovations' activities that most significantly impact its economic performance. As a result, we account for our interests in Care Innovations under the equity method of accounting.