MultiVu Video Feed: PC Revolution: World's PC Makers Challenged by Intel to 'Bury the Beige Box' In Design Competition
Intel Corporation today announced the winners of the USD$1 million Intel(R) Core(TM) Processor Challenge, a contest designed to spur industry innovation in new, stylish and high-performing PC designs based on high performance, energy efficient Intel Core 2 Duo processors.
Saying "goodbye" to the traditional big, beige box, TriGem Computer Inc. from Korea was awarded the grand prize for creating the best mix of style, acoustics, functionality and features for digital home entertainment with its Lluon "Black Crystal" design. Asono from Norway garnered the first runner-up nod for its "Merium" system.
Bringing expertise in technology, design and style, the panel of judges picking the finalist included IDEO Founder and Chairman David Kelley; Ziff Brothers Investments Senior Vice President, Technology Strategy Michael Miller; Intel President and CEO Paul Otellini; and GQ magazine Associate Editor Kevin Sintumuang. For more information on the Intel Core Challenge visit,
SATELLITE FEEDS: Tuesday, April 17th, 2007 Wednesday, April 18th, 2007 1:00 PM - 1:15 PM ET 1:00 PM - 1:15 PM ET Galaxy 26 Galaxy 26 C-Band C-Band Transponder 5 Transponder 5 Downlink Freq. 3800 Vertical Downlink Freq. 3800 Vertical
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NEWS: Move Over Big, Beige Box, Home PCs are Getting a Makeover FORMAT: News Package With Extra Soundbites and B-roll.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Video, contact information and more available at:
SOUNDBITES: * Paul Otellini, Intel President and CEO * Genevieve Bell, Senior Researcher and Anthropologist, Intel * Brian Fravel, Director of Consumer Campaigns, Intel * Ekin Binal, Contestant, VP of Product Development, BICOM B-ROLL INCLUDES: * PC Designs * Judging * Winning Design
VIDEO PROVIDED BY: Intel Corporation
Contact: FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: MultiVu Media Relations, 1-800-653-5313 EXT. 3
SOURCE Intel Corporation
Released Apr 17, 2007 • 11:00 AM EDT